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Rent It (Streaming)

Digital Seminar Only #2

West Virginia's reliance on coal is getting more expensive, and Joe Manchin's constituents are footing the bill

(CNN)During the winter months in West Virginia, Felisha Chase pays more for her electricity than she does for her home.

"It does feel wrong when your electric bill is more than your mortgage," Chase told CNN. "Around here the old adage is 'coal keeps the lights on.' Anyone struggling to keep their electric on knows it's more than the lights."

Her electricity bill spikes every January, when Chase estimates her electricity usage increases five- or six-fold. In September, she was still paying down a remaining balance of $600 from the winter before -- twice the cost of her monthly mortgage payment. Her cumulative bill has gone as high as $1,400.

As America has largely transitioned away from coal-fired power, West Virginia has thrown its weight behind it. The state is the second-largest coal producer in the country, and coal generates nearly 89% of its electricity compared to just 19% nationwide -- a steep fall from 1990, when coal powered 52% of US electricity.


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Topic Areas:
Mental Health |  Healthcare
test C test, Ph.D.
Original Program Date:
Jan 01, 2019
Product Type:
Rent It (Streaming)
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Addiction Counselors

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